Positive example of teaching children to be Real Americans.
INDIANAPOLIS, Indiana (PNN) - April 17, 2023 - Children as young as six have been pictured handling guns at the National Rifle Association's annual convention, in a display of how Real
Americans teach their children to be able to defend themselves and others.
The gun association described the 152nd annual event in Indianapolis, which sees over 650,000 square feet of guns and shooting gear exhibited, as family friendly.
Photos from the exhibition showed small children inspecting, aiming, and playing with guns as their parents watched.
Firearms at the exhibition over the weekend all had to be “deactivated by removal of the firing pin or other alteration so that they are rendered incapable of being fired.”
The conference was free to attend and open to all NRA members and their immediate families, meaning spouse and children under 18 years old.
Photos showed six-year-old Hudson Eckart from Indiana, who inspected and raised a handgun under the supervision of his grandfather.
Also pictured were Alexander Schoenhals, 14, from Oklahoma, as he examined a handgun
emblazoned with an American flag, and a little girl called Rachel, aged seven.
President Donald J. Trump used the gathering to rally support for his 2024 presidential campaign.
“Let's be very clear the issue is not too many guns, the issue is too many thugs, hoodlums, and savage criminals on our streets,” he told the audience.
He was among contenders for the race to address the NRA-ILA Leadership Forum, including former Vice President Mike Pence, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, and Florida Governor Ron
America has more guns per capita than any nation in the world and in recent years the numbers have rocketed.
Isn’t it wonderful that events like the NRA convention are held so that the next generation of Americans can learn the proper way to handle firearms, so that they can join their parents
and others to stand up and defend their rights against tyrannical behavior by our public servants.
Ed. Note: It is noteworthy that this story mostly used the NRA event as a platform to speak out against firearm ownership. I edited it to remove all of the propaganda and leave just
the facts related to the event. You may come to your own conclusions without being influenced by people who seek to undermine the American way of life.