Doctor lies to children by telling them they needed the jab in order to go to school.
WASHINGTON (PNN) - March 9, 2023 - NaTonya McNeil, a mother of two teenage children who were secretly given poisonous COVID-19 “vaccines” without her permission, is suing the doctor responsible.
Janine A. Rethy, MD, MPH reportedly lied to and tricked McNeil’s two older children during their annual physical exam at the KIDS Mobile Medical Clinic/Ronald McDonald Care Mobile clinic, operated by Georgetown Hospital in Washington, D.C.
In order to continue attending school, the children were falsely told by Rethy, they had to get injected with poisonous mRNA jabs. It all happened in secret while McNeil stood outside the exam room unaware of what was happening inside.
Rethy, who directs the mobile clinic, reportedly held McNeil’s children in the examination room for much longer than necessary during their check-up. It turns out Rethy was jabbing them without consent using fear and deception while their mother was outside the room.
Rethy made up lies about how McNeil’s children would be barred from getting an education unless they agreed to roll up their sleeves for DNA and gene modification therapy.
With financing assistance from Children’s Health Defense (CHD), McNeil is now suing Rethy with the help of D.C. attorney Matthew Hardin, who is pursuing damages for false imprisonment, battery, and fraud.
According to CHD President and General Counsel Mary Holland, “CHD couldn’t just sit still and allow this wrong to go unpunished and not bring this to the public’s attention.”
In an exclusive interview with The Defender, McNeil explained why she decided to sue Rethy.
“I just feel like people shouldn’t be able to do whatever they want to do to other people and especially not to children. As a mother, I feel like, ‘You all just took all my rights away from me to do what you wanted to do to my (children),'” she said. “I want justice to be done in this case. I feel like something needs to be done. This can’t just continue to happen.”
McNeil’s complaint also addresses Rethy’s stated mission of injecting all children everywhere for with poisonous COVID-19 jabs, which is barely even a threat to them, especially in its current forms.
“Our goal is to increase vaccination rates in children here in D.C.,” Rethy told the press. “For more than 30 years our role has been to be in the community to help address the problem of health disparities, bringing families care where they are.”
“For this particular effort, we are glad to be partnering with D.C. Health to provide both regular childhood vaccines and COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ to all children.” (NOTE: Poisonous COVID-19 jabs are not vaccines, either medically or legally. They are experimental gene modification shots that have killed or maimed millions of people around the world).
Is Rethy a eugenicist who is targeting children for sterilization and early death through COVID-19 injection? It would sure appear that way based on her past statements about COVID-19 shots.
McNeil says that Rethy never once asked or even informed her that her two teenage children would be receiving any “vaccinations” the day of their scheduled physical examinations. McNeil never signed anything towards this end because she was never even consulted about it.
It was only after McNeil started driving home after leaving the clinic that she discovered her daughter’s jabbed arm hurt “pretty bad.” When McNeil asked why it hurt, her daughter explained that Rethy forced her to get injected against her will.
“When she had the needle in her hand and she was coming towards me, I backed up and I asked her what is that needle, and she said it was the COVID-19 shot; I told her I didn’t want it and she said, ‘Well it is mandatory, you have to get it in order to go to school,'” McNeil’s daughter said.
Ed. Note: This creature - should have ten COVID boosters injected into her own body. She should have all her property taken and given to Natonya McNeil as payment for the destruction of her childrens’ bodies. She should certainly be forcibly deprived of her medical license. Finally, she should be imprisoned for the rest of her life (or better yet,
given the death penalty) for her violations of the Nuremberg Code and the Hippocratic Oath.