College students fed up with anti-white and anti-Christian attitudes espoused by Communist professors

Submitted by Freedomman on Sat, 01/14/2023 - 10:35

TALLAHASSEE, Florida (PNN) - January 5, 2023 - More and more college and university students across the country are speaking up and speaking out against “woke” professors and insanely Left-wing policies that include trashing white people and pushing divisive theories about race.

What’s more, they don’t really see efforts to legislate “wokeness” out of course curricula as having much effect, even in states like Florida, where Governor Ron DeSantis has claimed that is “where woke goes to die.”

A half-dozen conservative students who are attending a major university in the Florida
spoke, on condition of anonymity, about their frustration with the anti-white, anti-Christian, and anti-Amerikan environment on campus and in classrooms that make them feel uncomfortable at best and threatened at worst.

Around the country in multiple jurisdictions, parents have rebelled against local school boards after they permitted the widespread introduction of radical race and gender theories in curricula, even for younger students - to include highly age-inappropriate LGBTQ materials and books. Some parents have even run for school board seats and have won. In Virginia in 2020, it is widely known that GOP candidate Glenn Youngkin’s embrace of parental rights is what propelled him to victory over his Communist Democrat rival in a
purplish-blue state.

However, a number of “experts” say the grassroots activism is not reaching the college level, where highly racist, divisive “Critical Race Theory” was actually devised.

CRT, as it is known, essentially teaches that since every founding institution in the country was established by whites, they are inherently racist - despite laws and constitutional amendments enacted and ratified since the country’s birth reinforcing our Founders’ vision of true equality.

CRT, the so-called experts say, is rampant across the nation, not just in Florida. That means conservative students nationwide are struggling to navigate college systems, where they face disdain for their beliefs and encouragement to reject their core values.

Carol Swain, a retired political science and law professor at Vanderbilt University and a frequent television analyst on race relations, sympathizes with the struggle conservatives face at colleges.

But she urges students to think strategically before outing themselves as holding conservative views, which are often unpopular among or even demonized by fellow students and professors. Conservative students should pick their battles carefully, Swain said, to successfully finish college - because the country needs young conservative voices in the professional world.

“There are key players that you want in position - you want [conservatives] to become university professors, or whatever profession they’re trying to go into,” said Swain, who is black.

Several Right-leaning students told horror stories about how they’ve been treated on campus.

One, a Christian and a law student who is a National Rifle Association supporter, said he had no idea he had been reported as “an extremist” for his viewpoints until the FBI showed up at his apartment door and questioned him for an hour or so about his political views.

Meanwhile, a female journalism student confessed that she felt as though she was bullied by a professor who forced all of her students to repeat her disdain for the country’s alleged “systemic racism” while affirming “progressive talking points” on issues like gender identity, immigration, “queer theory,” and others, as well as those espoused by Karl Marx, the author of The Communist Manifesto.

“I can’t write what I truly believe” about these issues, the student, who went by Mia, said. “When I did that, I got an F. In order to pass a class, I have to affirm Leftist ideas I don’t believe in. When I repeat all the talking points and present them as ideas I believe wholeheartedly, I get A’s.”

“It feels like being brainwashed when they reward you for repeating their ideas and punish you for saying things that go against their beliefs,” she added.