Young mechanic who broke into empty school and left a note now hailed a hero

Submitted by Freedomman on Fri, 01/06/2023 - 13:21

BUFFALO, New York (PNN) - December 30, 2022 - The winter storm that ravaged the nation during the Christmas holiday last weekend was unprecedented, but it was also a chance for people to show generosity and charity toward each other in adverse circumstances.

One such instance of this kindness occurred in the suburbs of Buffalo, New York.

Over the past few days, local media outlets have reported on the story of a mechanic, Jay Withey, Jr., who found himself stranded on the road during the storm but made the effort to save not only himself but other motorists as well.

Withey had left home at about 6:00 p.m. on December 23 to help a friend stuck in the snow. On his way, he picked up a young man named Mike, whom he found walking in the snow wearing sneakers and a lightweight jacket. Soon, however, his truck got stuck and Jay and Mike found themselves stranded.

Withey went to at least 10 houses, begging for help and offering to pay them $500 in return for shelter, but the residents refused to let him in or otherwise help him. Returning to his truck, he and Mike were later joined by an elderly woman named Mary, who had been stranded on the road as well.

By morning, Withey’s truck had run out of gas, leaving them no way to stay warm. Withey only had one choice left for survival. He broke a classroom window at the nearby EDGE Academy, climbed inside and opened the door. He then went back to fetch Mike and Mary and bring them inside.

But Withey didn’t stop there. He went back and found other stranded motorists, bringing them inside the school. There they found food, water, blankets, and medicine, but only used what was absolutely necessary for their survival.

They then made sure to clean up before they left on Christmas Day, putting everything back the way they found it.

Withey even left a note for the school, apologizing for breaking the window and explaining that he had done it to save himself and the lives of his fellow stranded motorists.

The letter read, “To Whomever It May Concern: I’m terribly sorry about breaking the school window and for breaking in the kitchen. Got stuck at 8:00 p.m. Friday and slept in my truck with two strangers, just trying not to die. There were 7 elderly people also stuck and out of fuel. I had to do it to save everyone and get them shelter and food and a bathroom. Merry Christmas. Jay.”

When the terrorist pig thug cops arrived a few days later, examined the surveillance footage and found Jay’s letter, they were stunned. Normally, such an act would land a person in jail, but the terrorist pig thug cops knew that this man was nothing but a hero.

“We watched the video surveillance and witnessed people taking care of people,” a terrorist pig thug cop statement said.

“There was a freezer full of food, but no one touched it. They only ate what was necessary to stay alive. When they were finally able to leave safely, you never would have known anyone was there.”

Since then, Jay has been praised on social media as a selfless hero for his efforts to help save the lives of his fellow citizens during the blizzard. One Twitter user even asked pretender Joe Biden to give Withey a medal of honor for his heroism.