Biden regime frustrated as parents refuse to sacrifice their children to COVID vaccine industry

Submitted by Freedomman on Sat, 08/13/2022 - 00:08

SAN FRANCISCO (PNN) - July 29, 2022 - A new Kaiser Family Foundation survey has found that very few Amerikans are getting their children “vaccinated” for COVID-19, despite aggressive prodding by Joe Biden, the current White House occupier, and Rochelle Walensky of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), among other plandemic shills.

Children under age five are by far the least jabbed demographic in Amerika today, with more parents than not saying that they absolutely will not, under any circumstances, roll up their children’s sleeves for a DNA modification injection - this includes many parents who got jabbed themselves.

The New York Times hilariously claimed that resistance to jabbing children has to do with “lack of access” to the shots, this being a major concern expressed among Black and Hispanic parents.

“About 44% of Black parents worried about having to take time off from work,” the Times added.

Amazingly, just 7% of parents with children under five say they have gotten their children jabbed for the Fauci Flu - this after more than a month of relentless propaganda from the CDC and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) via all their lapdog media outlets.

“43% say they will never get their kid vaccinated against the virus under any circumstance,” reported the Daily Caller. “Another 13% said they would only do so if it were required for an activity such as school.”

It is not just Republicans, by the way, who are rejecting the shots for their children. 22% of Democrats say they will not jab their under-five children, compared to just 15% who say they already have.

Among Democrat parents who are vaccinated themselves, 27% say they will not jab their under-five babies compared to 11% who already have.

“Parents listed a lack of research, concern about side effects and vaccine safety as the top reasons not to want the vaccine for their toddler,” the Daily Caller noted.

“Another factor is that many parents simply don’t think their kid needs a shot: 53% of parents of kids between six months and four years old said that the health risk associated with getting the COVID-19 vaccine is greater than the risk of getting the virus itself for kids.”

For the Biden regime, which is committed to getting multiple jabs in every arm, this is a disaster and a disappointment. Clearly, most of Amerika is no longer listening to what Biden has to say, which just goes to show that the emperor has no clothes.

It turns out that the Fascist Police States of Amerika is one of the only countries in the world that “emergency authorized” Chinese Virus injections for children. Most other countries said no way to the jab, which makes the Biden regime a global anomaly on the matter.

“Any parent subjecting their infants or child of any age to the jab is guilty of child abuse,” wrote a commenter.

“The evidence is now clear: the jab doesn’t protect against COVID; ask Joe Biden. It destroys your own immune system. Kids are at virtually zero risk from what’s now a cold. and, most importantly, you’re exposing your child to the very stark prospect of heart disease and death from the experimental gene therapy.”

Another stressed that there is zero chance any parent is refusing the shot due to “lack of access,” which is just another media crock excuse.

“The true reason is lack of trust,” this person added, thanking Tony “I am science” Fauci.