What started as a group of anti-vax moms is now Mamalitia

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 05/12/2021 - 22:34

STOCKTON, Kalifornia (PNN) - April 29, 2021 -  A group of anti-vax moms called the “Mamalitia” says it is leading a growing national revolution of women.

The founder is from Stockton, Kalifornia. Its website shows that the members of the group are pro-gun and anti-vaccine.

In 2019, the group was called “The Freedom Angels,” and was seen at the Kalifornia State Capitol trying to block student vaccinations.

Now, they say they’re trying to arm women with survival skills, and are encouraging others to join their movement.

“We train you on natural medicine, we train you on how to navigate the forest,” said the founder of Mamalitia, Denise Aguilar, in a video posted to her Facebook Page.

It started as a group of moms condemning vaccine mandates, and then the COVID-19 vaccine.

You’ll see them marketing themselves on their website toting big firearms, but on Facebook, Aguilar denies this is an extremist group and says they’ve never shown violence.

“We are not violent, we have not been on a watch list. We are simply a group of women who are training each other and networking together,” she said.