By Anna Von Reitz
November 20, 2021 - Some people might not be familiar with the verb “to dissemble”, but we all need to become familiar with it, because there is a lot of dissembling going on.
It basically means to deliberately conceal something or obfuscate it, so that one’s attention is misdirected or deflected from whatever the dissembler wishes to obscure. Like the truth. In this case, the truth about the Nuremberg Code and the protection it provides us from accepting any forced medical procedure or therapy at all.
Together with casting doubts and slander, dissembling is one of the chief tools in the propagandist toolbox.
A few days ago, I wrote an article explaining that forced vaccinations are a violation of the Nuremberg Code. Note the word, “forced”. In fact, any forced medical procedure or therapy is against the Nuremberg Code.
All medical procedures and therapies must have fully informed and freely given consent, to the greatest extent possible - which means that people who are conscious and able to decide things for themselves remain in control of their medical destiny.
It’s only when you are in desperate straits and unconscious that medical professionals are allowed to step in and make decisions for you.
This is all cut and dried and set in cement since the 1940s, but now we have people trying to dissemble it and water it down and reinterpret the Nuremberg Code as applying only to medical experimentation.
It does not.
The Code itself explains exactly what it applies to, and even though the cases giving rise to the Code arose from medical experiments in concentration camps and involved forced medical experimentation on unwilling subjects, the core of the Nuremberg Code rose to the occasion and outlawed all kinds of forced medical procedures and therapies; not just experimental procedures.
Any medical procedure or therapy that you don’t want to participate in, you have the full, free, and unprejudiced right to refuse. Period.
Go back and read Article 6, Sections 1 and 3, of the Nuremberg Code for yourselves.
Don’t take anyone else’s word for it; not even mine. Be sure; and make good use of the information if anyone comes to your door with a needle in hand.
Another good one to quote in their faces is their own cherished Roe vs. Wade decision, the excuse for allowing abortion on demand. My body, my choice. That applies to every aspect of your body, what you take out and what you put into it, too.
The same article draws attention to the fact that the Nuremberg Code doesn’t make vaccinations illegal. Who said it did? They are deliberately creating a false argument as a means to obfuscate.
The Nuremberg Code makes FORCED vaccination illegal - along with all other forced medical procedures and therapies. The Nuremberg Code doesn’t single out vaccinations or any other procedure or therapy - it outlaws all forced procedures and therapies with the same broad brush.
So if you want to be vaccinated, after being fully informed of all the possible downsides and consequences, after understanding exactly what the vaccine contains, after understanding that you will have extremely limited rights of recourse if you voluntarily take the injection and something goes wrong - then you are free to take your chances and do as you will. It’s your choice.
The Nuremberg Code won’t protect you from your own fully disclosed consent.
But it will protect you from being imposed upon by politicians and “private security forces” hired by banks that are colluding in this scheme to defraud Amerika under color of law.
The Nuremberg Code gives you full standing, even if they attempt to violate it and force any kind of involuntary or undisclosed vaccination on you by any means - whether by wrestling you to the ground or by threatening to deprive you of any other right or privilege, including the right to travel and use of public facilities.
All indications are that we are entering a very dark chapter in Amerikan history. You will need to stay alert and stay informed, and you are not being given straight information from any of the commercial media channels or their acolytes and paid trolls. You need to read things with a critical eye and be able to discern the tricks the propagandists employ.
Read the actual Nuremberg Code Sections - Article 6, Sections 1 and 3.
Then stand your solid ground against forced medical procedures of any kind, and also against all the dissembling BS artists out there, because they are multiplying like bunnies in spring. You can take a stand against this Plague of Liars by joining other like-minded and alert Amerikans who have reclaimed their birthrights political standing, and who are now undertaking the responsibility of self-governance - concerning their health and all other matters - via their State Assembly.