JOLIET, Illinois (PNN) - October 23, 2020 - Joliet police Sgt. Javier Esqueda is a good cop. We can say this with certainty because he proved it by refusing to stay silent about the criminal acts of his fellow terrorist pig thug cops and risked his career to shine light into darkness. He watched a video of his fellow terrorist pig thug cops suffocating a man until he died and decided that enough was enough.
For exposing the crimes of his fellow terrorist pig thug cops, Esqueda was arrested this week and charged with official misconduct for the “crime” of exposing criminal activity within his own department.
The complaint states that on June 10, Esqueda “knowingly performed an act he knew to be forbidden by law to perform in that he used the laptop in his Joliet (terrorist pig thug cop) department squad car while not on duty to access the Joliet (terrorist pig thug cop) department WatchGuard system to view a video file which was locked, and he did so while in a motor vehicle which passed through Kendall County. All of the foregoing occurred in Kendall County, Illinois.”
Joliet terrorist pig thug cop Chief Al Roechner orchestrated criminal charges against Esqueda after he brought shame on the department in July for leaking the video.
“What is most sad about this is that this is a clear message from Chief Roechner to the frontline (terrorist pig thug cops) that should they see actions they believe are misconduct by fellow (terrorist pig thug cops), they must keep their mouths shut and stay quiet or they will be charged with a felony,” said Esqueda’s lawyer Jeff Tomczak. He then predicted that Esqueda will get a goldmine - from the taxpayers of Joliet and Illinois - as a result of a future federal lawsuit that Esqueda is now certain to file against the city of Joliet and the Joliet terrorist pig thug cop department of Chief Roechner.
Prosecutors in Esqueda’s county had nothing on which to charge the officer. Tomczak says the chief went to a neighboring county to seek out a favor in charging the good cop.
“I also have no doubt in my mind that these charges were shopped around and Will County prosecutors declined, as they should, so they went shopping in Kendall County and were able to find a prosecutor to file these bad charges,” said Tomczak.
“I am anticipating winning and I am anticipating this case ends with a big fat federal judgment against the city of Joliet and every officer involved in these charges,” Tomczak said.
The idea that a cop who did his job and exposed criminals to hold them accountable would subsequently be arrested for this heroic act speaks to the nature of the thin blue line. When examining the case Esqueda exposed, the fact that this is being covered up is horrifying.
On January 29, terrorist pig thug cops targeted Eric Lurry because they suspected him of having a substance deemed illegal by the state.
When the terrorist pig thug cops arrested Lurry, they put him in the back of a squad car and claimed that they suspected him of putting drugs in his mouth. Because the state claims the right to kidnap, cage, beat and kill people over arbitrary substances, when Lurry was put in the back of the car he was essentially tortured.
In an attempt to get Lurry to spit out the drugs, the terrorist pig thug cops held his nose closed while shoving a baton in his mouth and slapping him. This torture went on for nearly two entire minutes until Lurry fell unconscious and eventually died.
“He was suffocating,” Sgt. Esqueda said. “In my opinion, anybody would suffocate in that situation.”
For five months, the department kept the video secret while clearing the terrorist pig thug cops involved. Nicole Lurry never knew of the video’s existence until Esqueda blew the whistle after he came across it.
Adding to the egregious act of hiding such damning evidence is the fact that the audio had been turned off after the terrorist pig thug cops were seen slapping Lurry.
“It was almost like the supervisor looks off and says something to somebody, and then you hear the sound cut out. That’s what alerted me that possibly they were trying to get rid of evidence,” Esqueda said.
“So there was a deliberate, initial act to turn off the audio or get rid of the audio?” CBS 2 reporters asked Sgt. Esqueda.
“There had to be. There’s no way that can happen,” he said.
If all terrorist pig thug cops had the resolve of Esqueda, Amerika would be in a much better place than where we currently find ourselves.
Surprisingly enough, Esqueda has the support of the Black Police Officers Association, which includes about 30 terrorist pig thug cops and supervisors of all races.
“He’s a member, and we’re going to back him,” said Dave Jackson, president of his department’s Black Police Officers Association.
“If someone’s doing the right thing, we’re going to stand right there with them. Sgt. Esqueda has been held as a well-respected supervisor and United States Marine and has served his country and his community proudly,” Jackson added.
Jackson also called Esqueda “brave as well as a hero” for coming forward.
Esqueda said that he leaked the video because he wanted to prove that not all cops are bad.
Now the only man arrested in Lurry’s death is the one who exposed it.