Commentary: All government is evil

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 01/29/2020 - 21:18

By Gary D. Barnett

January 21, 2020 - The weak-minded cattle called the general population accept government as their god, observe all of its bogus laws, support its worldwide murders, use it to steal from their neighbors, worship its hired killers even while in so-called religious houses on Sunday, vote in fraudulent elections meant to give power to those who rule over them, and call these elected criminals representatives while ignoring their nefarious deeds; never taking responsibility for the evil they commit in the name of that same population. This is today’s Amerika, and this is the result of a national religion that worships the State.

There is no such thing as “representative government,” and there never has been such a system. That is a myth, and that myth was planted into the psyche of the common man long ago. The fantasy of representative government has been accepted and embraced by the sheep since the beginning, and voting has been the shameful tool used to fool the people into believing they have a say. Those that still cling to these ridiculous notions are seemingly lost in a vacuum of ignorance, and no longer attempt to break the chains of the slavery that binds them. Who among you has broken those chains, denounced the State, and rebelled against the misplaced authority and tyranny that is now so obvious? Sadly, this is reserved for only the few that seek, accept, and embrace truth in this hostile environment.

Those of us that attempt to tell the truth and expose the lies of the State strive to help free the masses from the servitude they accept without question. These mostly unaccepted and unappreciated attempts to help those who continually refuse to help themselves are frustrating, but are necessary in order to change this false worship. What is to be gained by attempting to convince those who act as subjects of the State, who continue to obey the State’s mandates, who continue to support State terrorism and murder, and who continue to call for others to be imprisoned if they defy the State’s fraudulent laws? When reason and logic have disappeared, when authority is voluntarily accepted, what incentive remains for those who want only the truth when they are faced with a populace that not only hides from the truth, but also shuns it at every level? The incentive is education so that freedom for all can be gained.

It is very important to understand that any and all respect for the illegitimate, violent, immoral, and corrupt nature of government is based on devotion to a religion of authoritarian rule by kings; those kings who expect to be worshiped and obeyed by the rest of humanity. This religion that demands the acceptance of a ruling class has to be pounded into the psyche over a long period of time in order for the flock to bow down to what is believed to be a higher power. This false reverence has been indoctrinated into the masses for thousands of years. Today, instead of one Supreme Being, ruler, or king, the supreme power is now an oligarchy of the few making up government. Even though there are controllers in hiding pulling the strings, the people at large continue to worship at the altar of government. In this modern age, government has become God, and therefore the religion of the people is the State.

As long as immoral behavior is accepted, as long as harm to others is supported, as long as the power of government is worshipped, no true freedom can exist. Being able to go on vacation, or drive to the store, or being allowed to hold a sign in the town square is not freedom. Freedom can only exist in an environment where moral behavior is universal. This can be in an isolated society or on a larger scale, but the underlying premise of freedom is continuous non-aggression. No force can ever be legitimate except for actual self-defense, so true freedom cannot be present as long as government is in place. Government is force - government is violence; therefore government demands slavery. Living under any government system requires slavery of the individual, and therefore the slavery of all.

The only system of real freedom under natural law is anarchy. Anarchy simply means without rulers or masters, and therefore without government. Living together without aggression, without force, and in harmony is the only way to be truly free. This requires that individuals take full responsibility for themselves and the reality of life, and instead of bowing to a government master, they bow to no one.

What does all this mean, and what is the solution to the bondage of man? Acceptance of the truth is paramount, and without that acceptance, no progress can be forthcoming. Currently, the human species is going backward, and continues to deteriorate at an accelerating pace. It is not just government or rulers that have caused our slavery; it is all of us allowing it to happen. The government is made up of people, not gods. The only way that government can act as kings is if the people allow it. It is up to each individual to quit lying to himself, and understand that allowing a system where slavery exists is no different than being the slave master. Indifference is a human flaw, and the unbridled apathy that exists today is a direct assault on the soul of man.

Natural Law is based on right and wrong, and is set in stone. There is right and there is wrong, and the two can never overlap. One of the major problems we face as a people is that many believe that right and wrong are dependent on time and space, on circumstance, or are interchangeable due to human desires. This thinking is the death knell of peaceful anarchy and freedom, and without a collective acceptance of this truth, any society seeking freedom is doomed.

It may be useful to put this into perspective so that no confusion is evident. Government is a cult. All the people that participate in government are the cult priests, and all those who accept government and live by its rules and vote in its elections are the cult followers. In other words, government is the church, and the people that accept government are the congregation. This is the Amerikan religion. It should be abolished.

Gary D. Barnett is a retired investment professional living and writing in Lewistown, Montana. Visit his website or send him email.