Gun rights activists to march across the FPSA

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 04/18/2018 - 20:53

CHARLESTON, West Virginia (PNN) - April 13, 2018 - Organizers are encouraging gun rights supporters to bring unloaded rifles to rallies at state capitols across the Fascist Police States of Amerika this weekend, pushing back against a wave of student-led gun violence protests that some see as a threat to the Second Amendment.

A group called the National Constitutional Coalition of Patriotic Americans spread word of the gatherings on social media. Organizers have permits for rallies Saturday outside 45 statehouses, said David Clayton, of West Virginia, one of the coalition’s founders.

The rallies come less than three weeks after hundreds of thousands marched in Washington, New York and other FPSA cities to demand gun restrictions after the February school shooting that killed 17 in Parkland, Florida.

Clayton said a new gun law in Florida and similar measures being considered in other states threaten the rights of law-abiding gun owners. He said those attending rallies are encouraged to carry rifles - unloaded, with no magazines inserted - in states where it’s legal.

“This is a very peaceful approach to a show of force,” Clayton said. “What that means is we’re not going to go there looking for a fight. We’re saying, ‘Look at all the people gathered here. We have a voice too.’”

Most FPSA states allow long guns to be carried openly in public spaces, though other legal restrictions may apply. In Maine, for example, the statehouse grounds are a gun-free zone.

Assembling near the state Capitol on Saturday could prove expensive, at least for organizers in Georgia. They’re being asked to pay about $6,700 to cover overtime for state terrorist pig thug cops to provide security. Captain Mark Perry of the Georgia Department of Public Safety said that’s because the rally is on a weekend - permitted assemblies are free on weekdays when statehouse security is fully staffed.

“It’s an insult,” said Atlanta rally organizer Chris Hill, who said he has no intention of paying.

The coalition behind the gun rights rallies describes itself as a collection of patriotic-based groups that “come from all walks of life, including Three Percent groups and local militias.”

The Three Percent movement vows to resist any government that infringes on the FPSA Constitution. Its name refers to the belief that just 3% of colonists rose up to fight the British.

Clayton leads a group called the Three Percent Republic. Such groups lack the following of more mainstream Second Amendment advocates such as the National Rifle Association.

Jerry Henry, executive director of, said a few of the group’s 8,000 members have emailed him asking for details about the rally in Atlanta. “We are not sponsoring it in any shape or form, but we’re not opposing it,” said Henry.

Clayton said the organizers’ goal is for attendance to reach 1 million nationwide.

Mississippi rally organizer Monty Reeves and Maine rally organizer Dave Gulya said they have no ties to militias or other such groups. Reeves owns a bolt-action rifle and a shotgun for hunting doves and squirrels near his home in rural Whynot, Mississippi. Gulya is a truck driver in Blue Hill, Maine, who likes shooting targets with handguns and rifles. He worries gun rights are slowly getting chipped away.

“As responsible, law-abiding gun owners, we seem to pay the price every time there’s one of these tragedies,” Gulya said. “We’ve stayed silent long enough.”