Texas church shooter was stopped by armed citizen with a rifle

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 11/08/2017 - 18:52

SUTHERLAND SPRINGS, Texas (PNN) - November 5, 2017 - Instantly nullifying the gun control argument that’s always pushed by left-wing media following every mass shooting tragedy, today’s Texas church shooter was stopped by an armed citizen with a rifle.

The armed citizen engaged the shooter with rifle fire, according to media reports, causing him to drop his rifle and flee the scene. The shooter was later found dead in his vehicle, most likely after bleeding out from the gunshot wound inflicted by the armed Texas citizen. This has all been confirmed by the Texas Rangers.

Freeman Martin, a major in the Texas Rangers and a spokesman for the Texas Department of Public Safety, says the suspect dropped his rifle and fled after being confronted by a local man who had grabbed his rifle.

Freeman provided a timeline of the tragedy in a press briefing Sunday evening.

“At approximately 11:20 this morning a suspect was seen at a Valero gas station in Sutherland Springs, Texas,” Martin said. “He was dressed in all black. That suspect crossed the street to the church, exited his vehicle, and began firing at the church.”

“That suspect then moved to the right side of the church and then continued to fire,” he continued. “That suspect entered the church and continued to fire. As he exited the church, a local resident grabbed his rifle and engaged that suspect. The suspect dropped his rifle, which was a Ruger AR assault-type rifle, and fled from the church.”

“Our local citizen pursued the suspect at that time,” Freeman said. “A short time later, as law enforcement responded, that suspect right at the Wilson/Guadalupe County line crashed out and was found deceased in his vehicle. At this time we don’t know if it was a self-inflicted gunshot wound or if he was shot by the local resident. We know he’s deceased in the vehicle.”

This demonstrates yet again that armed citizens stop violence and help save ives. Remember: in a shooting where seconds matter, the terrorist pig thug cops are minutes away.

If this armed citizen had not stopped the shooter in Sutherland Springs, Texas, there’s no telling how many more innocent victims might have been killed.

If you want to protect yourself and your fellow citizens, carry a concealed weapon, learn how to use it, and be prepared to deploy it in the interests of protecting your community and your family against senseless violence. Finally, do not give in to gun control zealots who want to turn the entire nation into a “gun-free” kill zone where citizens have no ability to defend themselves.