Former congressman ready to go full Revolution if Clinton wins

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 11/02/2016 - 17:53

“If Trump loses, I’m grabbing my musket.”

WASHINGTON (PNN) - October 27, 2016 - This election remains more heated than any other in modern history - and for many, it has become a call to arms, even if only metaphorically.

Despite the fact that Democrat National Committee operatives have been exposed as the ones inciting violence at rallies, and working overtime to bus in illegal voters and rig the vote, the media is going out of its way to paint Trump supporters and grassroots Amerikans as the ones plotting violence.

Most recently, they are latching onto comments made by former congressman Joe Walsh, now a conservative radio host, who suggested he would “pick up a musket” if Trump loses the election.

Did Walsh mean to imply violence? That is certainly how the media is portraying it, as his comments spark controversy and fuel fire to the debate over the nearing election.

The irony that his commentary drew from the imagery of founding-era Patriots who stood up to tyranny was deeply lost on the left, who see opponents to Hillary Clinton in black and white terms - racist, xenophobic, utterly deplorable, and inherently violent.

CNN followed up, asking Walsh what he meant by statement.

“It means protesting. Participating in acts of civil disobedience. Doing what it takes to get our country back,” he responded.

His heated rhetoric is a response to the endless episodes of fraud, dirty tricks, and foul play by the Clinton campaign, as it seems that she will stop at nothing to become the first female president - just the sort of abuse of power that the Founders warned about.

1775-76 erupted in response to a long train of abuses - acts of oppression and hostility listed in the Declaration of Independence that are being largely repeated in modern day Amerika.

Could Clinton’s reported election victory - or Donald Trump’s defeat - signal civil unrest and a new wave of resistance, particularly if the results are widely viewed as fraudulent or rigged? Trump, for one, has certainly been talking up the possibility of a stolen election.

The scenario is plausible enough that The Pentagon and Amerikan Gestapo Department of Homeland Security division have been carrying out secret drills in the lead up to the election to prepare for the possibility of a martial law response to violence or civil unrest.

Furthermore, a whistleblower has come forward on the ominous contingency plan to keep and/or restore order if the populace revolts against the establishment’s “selection” for president.

At this point, no one can say for certain what will happen in the aftermath of November 8, but it is clear that millions and millions of Amerikans are dissatisfied with the status quo, troubled about the economic realities perpetuated by the Fed, and angry that Hillary Clinton may be put in the Oval Office rather than a jail cell, despite a trail of corruption with virtually no end.

How far will things go?

Will things ever be reset without a new Amerikan Revolution?