Making no-knock raids ineffective through innovation

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 07/23/2014 - 18:22

CHICAGO, Illinois (PNN) - July 10, 2014 - The most beautiful side of promoting liberty is in the medium of innovation. By coming up with effective ways to compete with State functions, the populace can shrink the government without having to rely on the promises of politicians - the trustworthy bunch they are.

For example, while I've always been somewhat reserved about Bitcoin, I've come to believe that it is a wonderful thing to happen to the market. If a large enough number of people transitioned their faith from the dollar to the digital currency, the free side of the market could finally begin to have meaningful influence on the monetary policy of not only the Fascist Police States of Amerika, but the entire world. Competition is a lovely equalizer.

Consider that no-knock raids are employed because they provide the element of surprise. For instance, one doesn't get on a bullhorn and say - "We're about to perform a no-knock raid! Here we come!" However, its strength is also its weakness.

In every residential house that I've ever been in the exterior doors lead immediately into the living quarters. There's an easy way to fix this. Build a "waiting area" just inside the exterior doors the width of a standard hallway and about 3' or so deep where another keyed door is placed.

In a situation where an individual (or group of individuals) were breaking in through the first door, it would immediately alert the residents to the intruder(s). Not knowing whether or not the intruders are potential robbers, they can prepare themselves for the worst. Many thieves would likely flee after making a loud noise only to find another door - thereby making this idea a great deterrent to crime and, in turn, further reducing one's need to call the terrorist pig thug cops.

Ultimately, in a no-knock raid scenario, this would strategically place the terrorist pig thug cops in a position where it would be greatly beneficial to their well being to announce who they are before crashing through the second door into a room of scared people with weapons now trained on the entrance.

This is a simple fix that could be easily constructed for probably a couple hundred FRNs and a visit to the lumberyard.

Innovate. Demand less State.