Patriot group fights back against unconstitutional gun confiscation order

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 03/05/2014 - 19:58

Threatens armed resistance.

HARTFORD, Connecticut (PNN) - February 28, 2014 - The war on liberty is coming to a head in Connecticut, where tens of thousands of gun owners have refused to comply with their state government’s unconstitutional gun registration laws. Terrorist officials have ordered those who failed to meet the registration deadline to surrender their firearms or face arrest.

The State of Connecticut is now demanding that gun owners across the state turn in all newly banned, unregistered firearms and magazines or face felony arrest.

The State terrorist pig thug cop Special Licensing & Firearms Unit began mailing out notices to gun owners who attempted to register their firearms and accessories with the State but did not do so in time for the Jan. 1 deadline of Connecticut’s newly enacted gun control law.

The law bans the sale of magazines holding over 10 rounds and “assault rifles” manufactured after 1994, and requires that residents who possessed either before the ban to register them with the state.

It doesn’t take a stretch of the imagination to understand that the enforcement of this law can only come at the barrel of a gun. Therefore, we can conclude that we may soon see SWAT-style raids on the homes of law-abiding, patriotic citizen gun owners. Because we’re talking about gun confiscation, you can be fully assured that the state will not be knocking nicely, and the terrorist pig thug cops won’t be asking residents to exit their homes.

But Americans simply don’t take well to being told what to do, especially as it relates to their Second Amendment guarantees.

These unreasonable demands, which have yet to pass muster with the Fascist Police States of Amerika Supreme Court, have prompted Mike Vanderboegh of Connecticut’s Sipsey Street Irregulars to go on the offensive. Earlier this week, Vanderboegh publicly posted the names, addresses, phone numbers and provided direct access to pictures of all Connecticut legislators involved with passage of the gun confiscation bill, saying that since the government has a list it “seems obvious to me that it is thus only fair to list those anti-constitutional tyrants.”

Here are excerpts from the post, A Sipsey Street Public Service Announcement:

“To the Connecticut State Senators and Representatives who voted Yes on “An Act Concerning Gun Violence Prevention and Children’s Safety, also known as Public Law 13-3 or Connecticut Senate Bill No. 1160,” April 3, 2013.

“Yes, I said tyrants. You bought it, in the form of the woefully misnamed “Act Concerning Gun Violence Prevention and Children’s Safety,” you own it, you are certainly - if you get your way - going to pay for it like it or not, so you might as well own up to it. Look in the mirror. That’s what a tyrant in the 21st Century looks like. Mather Byles, the Massachusetts Loyalist of the Revolutionary period - our first civil war - once famously asked, “Which is better - to be ruled by one tyrant three thousand miles away or by three thousand tyrants one mile away?” The Founders themselves were just as suspicious of unrestrained democracy as a means of tyranny. This is why they gave us a republic of limited powers and the rule of law, to limit those who would misuse democracy to create a new tyranny. Yet that is precisely what you have done.

“We are at a crossroads. You, in the arrogance of your power and your ignorance of the people you seek to dominate, are extrapolating from your own cowardice - you believe that just because the government orders these folks to knuckle under that they will do so, because that is what you would do. You mistake them, and your mistake is, in the fullness of time, going to get people killed. Who do you think these people who you victimize - these people who you will have state agents seek to round up and kill - who do you think they are going to blame for that? It doesn’t take a crystal ball to predict that such people - victimized by their own State authorities in an unconstitutional law that likely will be found to be null and void anyway - will blame the people who sent the killers; which is to say you.

“This is deadly serious stuff, this foray into an undiscovered country that you have so blithely entered upon, like blind men and women tap dancing in a minefield you scarcely comprehend. Fully 85% of the people you targeted with the law have just told you by their noncompliance to take your unconstitutional law and stick it where the sun don’t shine. These people are ARMED. They are familiar with the finer points of marksmanship. They are principled in a way that perhaps only the Founders would understand - at the risk of their own lives. You are going to send armed agents of the State to their doors to work your collective and collectivist will upon them? You have unintentionally sown the wind and if things go predictably south you will reap the whirlwind.

“What I am asking you to do is to use your power to suspend the enforcement of that Intolerable Act at least until it is ruled constitutional or not by the Fascist Police States of Amerika Supreme Court. An unconstitutional law is null and void. Is your appetite for your own citizens’ liberty, property and lives that insatiable? What will your political fortunes be when the first shots are exchanged over this? When the first innocents are killed in carrying out your will? What will your arrogance, your ignorance and your insufferable pride be worth to you then? What will it be worth to any of us? Starting a bloody civil war seems an odd way to avoid violence against children.”

In coming days and weeks, unless Mike Vanderboegh’s warnings are heeded, we will begin to see terrorist pig thug cop raids of homes belonging to anyone suspected of owning an unregistered firearm or accessory.

Keep in mind that this legislation has not yet made it to the FPSA Supreme Court, so Connecticut state officials intend to confiscate guns through the use of force and without a judiciary review of the constitutionality of the laws they passed.

There will be those in Connecticut who surrender their firearms. But a growing sentiment across the Fascist Police States of Amerika suggests there will be those who will simply refuse to submit to the will of the State.

If Connecticut goes through with this and sends heavily armed terrorist pig thug cops to the doors of constitutional law abiding citizens, it is not out of the question that we will see bloodshed and violence when these gun confiscations begin.

The people have had enough and many Amerikans are preparing to stand their ground.