Citizens protest against New Jersey Governor Murphy stay-at-home order

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 04/29/2020 - 22:56

TRENTON, New Jersey (PNN) - April 17, 2020 - New Jersey citizens demonstrated in Trenton Friday against the “stay-at-home” order of Governor Phil Murphy during the coronavirus crisis.

The New Jersey Chamber of Commerce recorded video of the protest that showed a long line of cars honking their horns along West State Street, across from the Statehouse and Murphy’s office.

Four Michigan sheriffs defy governor

Submitted by Freedomman on Thu, 04/23/2020 - 20:15

LANSING, Michigan (PNN) - April 15, 2020 - A group of sheriffs have announced they will not enforce some of Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer's executive orders relating to the COVID-19 lockdown.

Sheriffs Mike Borkovich, Ted Schendel, Ken Falk and Kim Cole of Michigan's 101st District released a press statement this afternoon detailing their decision to place their oath to the Constitution above Whitmer's demands. They want the state open for business (with proper precautions).

Commentary: Why do we need a safety net?

Submitted by Freedomman on Thu, 04/23/2020 - 20:12

By Jacob G. Hornberger

April 15, 2020 - One of the core principles of statists (i.e., people who look to government to take care of people) is the concept of the “safety net”. It entails using the government to provide assistance to people to ensure that no one falls off the “high wire” of life and hits the ground and dies of starvation, illness, or any other such thing. Without a “safety net,” statists argue, people would be dying in the streets, alleys, and gutters of Amerika.

Kentucky worshipers met with nails in road as they defy coronavirus lockdown

Submitted by Freedomman on Thu, 04/23/2020 - 20:08

MARYVILLE, Kentucky (PNN) - April 12, 2020 - A Kentucky church defied coronavirus lockdown orders to hold a packed Easter Sunday service, despite a heavy terrorist pig thug cop presence and even nails blocking the parking lots.

Maryville Baptist Church appeared to have a near-full house for its Sunday service despite orders to avoid in-person services, and the supposed heightened risk of catching COVID-19.

A letter to the staff of Belmarsh Prison

Submitted by Freedomman on Thu, 04/23/2020 - 20:05

LONDON, England (PNN) - April 11, 2020 - A lot of other people are writing to politicians, elected representatives, celebrities, and other people who have “platforms” or “influence”. I’ve decided to write to you.

You are no doubt aware that there is a man being held in your prison by the name of Julian Assange. I am sure that you are also aware that a great many people believe that he should not be there, or in any prison. They (and I) believe that the only crime he has committed is having revealed actual crimes committed by people and institutions much more powerful than himself.

Commentary: Thank you to the mother who brought her son to the playground

Submitted by Freedomman on Thu, 04/23/2020 - 20:01

By Allen Stevo

April 9, 2020 - In West Coast lockdown land, where everyone is compliant, I saw a miserable looking old man taking photos of children and parents who were having an amazing time together at an officially closed playground.

Locked in for more than a week, the parents had had enough and took the children out to play.

Homeschooling is changing my child - in a good way

Submitted by Freedomman on Thu, 04/23/2020 - 19:52

By Shawnna Morris

April 3, 2020 - The email from my son’s teacher hit us like a ton of bricks.

The students will not be returning from spring break, it read. School will be closed until April 17. In the meantime, the children will receive their lessons online. Like many parents in the first days of social isolation, we were alarmed.

Coronavirus lockdown is sparking nationwide protests

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 04/15/2020 - 21:50

From Ohio to Wyoming to Michigan to North Carolina, Americans are increasingly furious over being thrown into house arrest over a coronavirus scare that by all accounts has been wildly overblown. Now they are facing unemployment and worse. With nothing left to lose they are taking to the streets. Meanwhile several Fascist Police States of Amerika states are teaming up to defy President Donald Trump's top down approach. Are we in a political race to re-open? Patriot Dr. Ron Paul reports.

See video

Ohio citizens protesting unconstitutional lockdown at state capitol

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 04/15/2020 - 21:48

Ohio citizens are protesting at the state capital to have their state reopened so they can go about their lives unhindered by unnecessary and unconstitutional government controls. This carries with it the smell of a burgeoning Revolution.

See video

Some sheriffs are standing bravely against impositions of soft martial law

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 04/15/2020 - 21:46

FARMINGTON, Maine (PNN) - April 11, 2020 - Reading Ludwig von Mises Institute President Jeff Deist’s Monday article All Crises Are Local, I was struck by a mention that some sheriffs have stood bravely against impositions of soft martial law in the name of countering coronavirus.