Watch this dynamic music video that calls for a popular revolution against the lies and misrepresentations being perpetrated by governments all over the world.
Hi-Rez and Jimmy Levy - Welcome to the Revolution
God We Need You Now (Official Music Video)
Florida school board finally drops mask mandate after suspending 8-year-old 38 times for violations
LAKE WORTH, Florida (PNN) - November 11, 2021 - The School District of Palm Beach County has dropped its mask mandate. The district had previously suspended a second grader 38 times for
violating the mandate. She may have to repeat the grade.
Canceled people to join forces and create a new school dedicated to the fearless pursuit of truth
AUSTIN, Texas (PNN) - November 9, 2021 - A Who's Who of “canceled”' academics, journalists and entrepreneurs are teaming up to change the oppressive “wokeness” on college campuses by launching their own right-minded university in the Texas capital of Austin.
Pastor tackles gunman to the ground after he stormed the altar and pointed a pistol at the congregation
NASHVILLE, Tennessee (PNN) - November 8, 2021 - A pastor and his parishioners tackled a gunman to the floor and disarmed him while he disturbed them at prayer at a Nashville church on Sunday.
Army veteran secretly rescuing people abandoned in Afghanistan
KABUL, Afghanistan (PNP) - November 5, 2021 - A man’s family is trapped inside hostile enemy territory where they are being actively hunted. He has specialized military training from the number one military force in the world. He’s on his own, and if discovered, death is a certain fate. Yet he can’t just sit idly by. He wouldn’t be able to live with himself knowing he could have done something to keep his family safe yet didn’t.
Blind Joe - I Will Not Comply (Official Audio)
Blin Joe offers the studio version of his new antiestablishment anthem. Stay vigilant, and God bless you.
Police stop - no license, registration, insurance, tags... or ticket
A knowledgeable man who believes in standing up for his rights gets pulled over by a cop in Colorado because he had no license plates on his vehicle. He does not identify himself, show a driver’s license, vehicle registration, or proof of insurance. Watch as he engages the officer in a conversation about his unalienable rights. The cop calls his supervisor who also speaks with the man. He explains that legal codes and statutes do not apply to him. In the end the cops let him go without issuing a ticket or levying any charges.
Thousands of Kalifornia parents join in statewide walkout against vaccine mandate for students!
SACRAMENTO, Kalifornia (PNN) - October 19, 2021 - Thousands of Kalifornia parents, students
and teachers on Monday participated in a statewide walkout to protest fascist Governor
Gavin Newsom’s decision to mandate COVID-19 vaccinations for all students in both public and private schools.
Mass protests erupt across Amerika!
Biden voters now rejecting tyrannical vaccine mandates!
FASCIST POLICE STATES OF AMERIKA (PNN) - October 19, 2021 - Across Amerika, even Left-wing Biden voters in blue cities are now joining protests against vaccine mandates and Biden’s heavy handed tactics that violate medical choice and human rights.