Warning: Table './wwwrevo_revolutiondb_beta/dp1b_cache_page' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM dp1b_cache_page WHERE cid = 'http://revolutionnow.us/individual-related?page=109' in /home/wwwrevo/public_html/includes/database.mysqli.inc on line 134

Warning: Table './wwwrevo_revolutiondb_beta/dp1b_watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO dp1b_watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:14:\"strict warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:62:\"Non-static method view::load() should not be called statically\";s:5:\"%file\";s:77:\"/home/wwwrevo/public_html/sites/all/modules/views-6.x-2.16/views/views.module\";s:5:\"%line\";i:906;}', 3, '', 'http://revolutionnow.us/individual-related?page=109', '', '', 1737528653) in /home/wwwrevo/public_html/includes/database.mysqli.inc on line 134

Warning: Table './wwwrevo_revolutiondb_beta/dp1b_watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO dp1b_watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:14:\"strict warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:134:\"Declaration of views_handler_filter::options_validate() should be compatible with views_handler::options_validate($form, &$form_state)\";s:5:\"%file\";s:98:\"/home/wwwrevo/public_html/sites/all/modules/views-6.x-2.16/views/handlers/views_handler_filter.inc\";s:5:\"%line\";i:0;}', 3, '', 'http://revolutionnow.us/individual-related?page=109', '', '', 1737528653) in /home/wwwrevo/public_html/includes/database.mysqli.inc on line 134

Warning: Table './wwwrevo_revolutiondb_beta/dp1b_watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO dp1b_watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:14:\"strict warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:130:\"Declaration of views_handler_filter::options_submit() should be compatible with views_handler::options_submit($form, &$form_state)\";s:5:\"%file\";s:98:\"/home/wwwrevo/public_html/sites/all/modules/views-6.x-2.16/views/handlers/views_handler_filter.inc\";s:5:\"%line\";i:0;}', 3, '', 'http://revolutionnow.us/individual-related?page=109', '', '', 1737528653) in /home/wwwrevo/public_html/includes/database.mysqli.inc on line 134

Warning: Table './wwwrevo_revolutiondb_beta/dp1b_watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO dp1b_watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:14:\"strict warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:154:\"Declaration of views_handler_filter_boolean_operator::value_validate() should be compatible with views_handler_filter::value_validate($form, &$form_state)\";s:5:\"%file\";s:115:\"/home/wwwrevo/public_html/sites/all/modules/views-6.x-2.16/views/handlers/views_handler_filter_boolean_operator.inc\";s:5:\"%line\";i:0;}', 3, '', 'http://revolutionnow.us/individual-related?page=109', '', '', 1737528653) in /home/wwwrevo/public_html/includes/database.mysqli.inc on line 134

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Warning: Table './wwwrevo_revolutiondb_beta/dp1b_watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO dp1b_watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:14:\"strict warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:102:\"Declaration of views_plugin_style_default::options() should be compatible with views_object::options()\";s:5:\"%file\";s:103:\"/home/wwwrevo/public_html/sites/all/modules/views-6.x-2.16/views/plugins/views_plugin_style_default.inc\";s:5:\"%line\";i:0;}', 3, '', 'http://revolutionnow.us/individual-related?page=109', '', '', 1737528653) in /home/wwwrevo/public_html/includes/database.mysqli.inc on line 134

Warning: Table './wwwrevo_revolutiondb_beta/dp1b_watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO dp1b_watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:14:\"strict warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:130:\"Declaration of views_plugin_row::options_validate() should be compatible with views_plugin::options_validate(&$form, &$form_state)\";s:5:\"%file\";s:93:\"/home/wwwrevo/public_html/sites/all/modules/views-6.x-2.16/views/plugins/views_plugin_row.inc\";s:5:\"%line\";i:0;}', 3, '', 'http://revolutionnow.us/individual-related?page=109', '', '', 1737528653) in /home/wwwrevo/public_html/includes/database.mysqli.inc on line 134

Warning: Table './wwwrevo_revolutiondb_beta/dp1b_watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO dp1b_watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:14:\"strict warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:126:\"Declaration of views_plugin_row::options_submit() should be compatible with views_plugin::options_submit(&$form, &$form_state)\";s:5:\"%file\";s:93:\"/home/wwwrevo/public_html/sites/all/modules/views-6.x-2.16/views/plugins/views_plugin_row.inc\";s:5:\"%line\";i:0;}', 3, '', 'http://revolutionnow.us/individual-related?page=109', '', '', 1737528653) in /home/wwwrevo/public_html/includes/database.mysqli.inc on line 134

Warning: Table './wwwrevo_revolutiondb_beta/dp1b_watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO dp1b_watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:14:\"strict warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:62:\"Non-static method view::load() should not be called statically\";s:5:\"%file\";s:77:\"/home/wwwrevo/public_html/sites/all/modules/views-6.x-2.16/views/views.module\";s:5:\"%line\";i:906;}', 3, '', 'http://revolutionnow.us/individual-related?page=109', '', '', 1737528653) in /home/wwwrevo/public_html/includes/database.mysqli.inc on line 134

Warning: Table './wwwrevo_revolutiondb_beta/dp1b_watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO dp1b_watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:14:\"strict warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:109:\"Declaration of views_handler_argument::init() should be compatible with views_handler::init(&$view, $options)\";s:5:\"%file\";s:100:\"/home/wwwrevo/public_html/sites/all/modules/views-6.x-2.16/views/handlers/views_handler_argument.inc\";s:5:\"%line\";i:0;}', 3, '', 'http://revolutionnow.us/individual-related?page=109', '', '', 1737528653) in /home/wwwrevo/public_html/includes/database.mysqli.inc on line 134

Warning: Table './wwwrevo_revolutiondb_beta/dp1b_watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO dp1b_watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:14:\"strict warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:148:\"Declaration of views_handler_filter_node_status::operator_form() should be compatible with views_handler_filter::operator_form(&$form, &$form_state)\";s:5:\"%file\";s:114:\"/home/wwwrevo/public_html/sites/all/modules/views-6.x-2.16/views/modules/node/views_handler_filter_node_status.inc\";s:5:\"%line\";i:0;}', 3, '', 'http://revolutionnow.us/individual-related?page=109', '', '', 1737528653) in /home/wwwrevo/public_html/includes/database.mysqli.inc on line 134

Warning: Table './wwwrevo_revolutiondb_beta/dp1b_watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO dp1b_watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:14:\"strict warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:62:\"Non-static method view::load() should not be called statically\";s:5:\"%file\";s:77:\"/home/wwwrevo/public_html/sites/all/modules/views-6.x-2.16/views/views.module\";s:5:\"%line\";i:906;}', 3, '', 'http://revolutionnow.us/individual-related?page=109', '', '', 1737528653) in /home/wwwrevo/public_html/includes/database.mysqli.inc on line 134
Revolution Now! | Independence Forever!

Children abandoned by parents who can no longer afford to look after them

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 01/18/2012 - 14:54

ATHENS, Greece - January 11, 2012 - Children are being abandoned on Greece's streets by their poverty-stricken families who can no longer afford to look after them.

Youngsters are being dumped by parents who are struggling to make ends meet in what is fast becoming the most tragic human consequence of the ongoing Depression in Europe.

It comes at a time when pharmacists have revealed that the country has almost run out of aspirin, while multi-billion euro austerity measures filter their way through society.

Young mother kills intruder

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 01/11/2012 - 18:15

An 18-year-old mother of an infant shot and killed an intruder who broke into her home. Even the cops supported her actions. A good reminder that you always preserve the right to defend your life and your children’s lives.

See video

Ron Paul endorsement skyrockets Kelly Clarkson album sales

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 01/11/2012 - 17:47

After penning supportive tweets for the libertarian last week, “Idol” singer’s Amazon sales are up over 400%.

DES MOINES, Iowa (PNN) - December 31, 2011 - Congressman Ron Paul fans’ work to elect their hero and end the fed just got a soundtrack: Kelly Clarkson’s new album.

The former “American Idol” star tweeted her support for Ron Paul on Thursday, and her much-publicized comments have apparently created a huge jump in sales for her new album, Stronger.

AA battery trick they don’t want you to know

Submitted by Freedomman on Thu, 01/05/2012 - 15:30

This amazing video shows you how to open up a 6-volt lantern battery to find - well, let me just say that this will save you a tremendous amount of money on AA batteries! Amazing!

See video

Wikipedia threatens strike over fasicst piracy bill

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 12/21/2011 - 14:39

WASHINGTON (PNN) - December 14, 2011 - Wikipedia may temporarily blank out its pages in self-sacrifice to draw attention to the controversial Stop Online Piracy Act. While the bill aims to protect copyrighted material, critics fear corporate manipulation could lead to greater censorship.

The Fascist Police States of Amerika lawmakers behind the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) say it would deal a blow to online pirates and producers of counterfeit brand products like designer fashion items or medicines.

Anonymous hacker group announcement concerning military takeover

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 12/14/2011 - 13:26

This announcement by the international hacker group Anonymous, presented behind a Guy Fawkes mask and including a direct quote from the movie V for Vendetta, is a call to action for all freedom lovers! Using the promise of secret tribunals and summary detentions under the authority of the recently passed National Defense Authorization Act, Anonymous challenges all lovers of truth, justice and liberty to join together outside public buildings, capitols, courthouses, etc.

See video

Ready for a Revolution?

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 12/07/2011 - 15:24

Watch this overview of the patterns of achievement historically displayed by the people during the agricultural and industrial revolutions; then observe the comparisons to today’s information revolution. The video suggests today’s solutions rest with new technology and Revolution!

See video

UK embassy in Teheran stormed by angry Iranians

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 12/07/2011 - 15:22

Watch this video from the recent stroming of the UK embassy in Teheran by Iranians outraged at the imperialist conspiracy between the UK and Fascist Police States of Amerika to deprive Iran of it slawful right to develop nuclear energy for use by the Iranian people, and for weapons to defend against the terrorist Israeli government. Note the burning of the Israeli, FPSA and UK flags!

See video

Seniors block busy street to protest cuts to social programs

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 11/09/2011 - 15:39

CHICAGO, Illinois (PNN) - November 7, 2011 - Chicago thug cops on Monday issued citations to 43 senior citizens and their supporters who linked arms to block an intersection near the city’s financial district.

The action was part of a protest against proposed cuts to Social Security, Medicare and other benefits.

Sheriffs defend rural America

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 11/02/2011 - 14:46

Sheriff Dean Wilson of Del Norte County, California, Sheriff Bruce Haney of Trinity County, California, Sheriff Jon Lopey of Siskiyou County, and Sheriff Tom Bosenko of Shasta County, California, candidly discuss the formation of a sheriffs’ association dedicated to ensuring that no state or federal agents interfere with the smooth functioning of their respective counties; that the county sheriffs are the chief law officers in the state, and they will either authorize or deny state or federal access to county land!

See video

Warning: Table './wwwrevo_revolutiondb_beta/dp1b_watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO dp1b_watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:12:\"user warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:0:\"\";s:5:\"%file\";s:44:\"/home/wwwrevo/public_html/includes/cache.inc\";s:5:\"%line\";i:112;}', 3, '', 'http://revolutionnow.us/individual-related?page=109', '', '', 1737528653) in /home/wwwrevo/public_html/includes/database.mysqli.inc on line 134