This video shows a flatbed trailer ferrying two black SUV Suburbans with Dept. of Defense logos on them (described as Fifth Army, HHC CSRD). The video was shot on I-35 between San Marcos and Austin, Texas. The transport of these heavily equipped vehicles occurred a month before NLE 09, the FEMA exercise that kicks off this week. Is it possible these vehicles are related to the exercise aimed at confronting “domestic terrorists,” defined by the DHS as “rightwing extremists”? What about the federal law prohibiting the use of military equipment and personnel in civilian areas?
Political Revolution
U.S. Army vehicles spotted on I-35 in Texas!
American Gestapo chief tasers 14-year-old epileptic girl for disobeying his orders!
This kind of atrocity has got to be stopped! This fascist bastard police chief admits that he tasered a 14-year old epileptic girl because she did not obey his orders! Call City Manager Bobbeye Rose at 575-461-3451 and the Tucumcari (New Mexico) Police Department at 575-461-2160 and LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD! When is enough, enough? Revolution Now! Independence Forever!
EMERGENCY UPDATE! Government may be planning to release a biological agent! (MUST SEE)
The information contained in this extraordinary video comes from “The Power Hour” radio broadcast of March 30, 2009. According to the caller who conveyed this astonishing information, the Department of Homeland Security is transporting across Amerika large quantities of highly infectious contagions - possibly Bird Flu virus! For what purpose, you may ask? For what purpose, indeed?
Here's to You Mr. Jefferson!
by the Mike Church Show Band
Adams, Mason, Franklin, Garry, Ames and Washington
Lee and Rutledge, Hancock, Wilson, Wythe
Sherman, Adams, Hall and Rodney, Penn and Dickenson
(For the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence
and the 37 men who signed the Constitution)
And here’s to you, Mr. Jefferson
We all miss you more than you will know
Woh woh woh
Military Joining the American Resistance to Protect the Constitution!
The American Resistance is growing! Combat-trained military veterans are coming to recognize the degree to which tyranny and oppression have insinuated themselves into our once free society, and are preparing to fight to restore to our country its reputation as the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.
Don McAlvany speaks about our loss of freedom and the evolving police state!
Don McAlvany of the McAlvany Intelligence Advisor tells the truth about Amerika’s loss of freedom and the coming destruction of the middle class.
About Political Revolution
Throughout world history there have been revolutions to overthrow and replace a variety of governments. At Revolution Now! we focus on revolutions to put down tyranny and oppression and raise up freedom and respect for God-given rights.
The French Revolution, American Revolution, American Indian wars, even the Bolshevik Revolution were all about overthrowing a tyranny (in the case of the American Indian, it was about preserving their way of life in the face of the white man's terror).