Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on what China and Russia just announced concerning war with the Fascist Police States of Amerika, and goes into the actions and comments made by FPSA President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence on this issue. He also discusses the economic aspects affecting the FPSA with the Petrodollar, oil in Yuan, China’s silk road, energy and food security, plus a lot more.
China and Russia announce war likely with the FPSA
#WalkAway march featuring Brandon Straka
Brandon Straka, founder of #WalkAway, makes a brilliant speech about why he left the Democrat Party at a gathering of like-minded Amerikans. This speech will give you hope for a better future for us all. A must see.
Patriot Dr. Ron Paul with Baby Liberty
Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on the birth of Liberty with the help of Constitutional legend Patriot Dr. Ron Paul. Will baby Liberty grow up to challenge the establishment and be a champion of freedom across the world? Only time will tell.
The truth about those packages
Jason Bermas of WeAreChange goes over all the evidence so far regarding the packages that were sent to the offices of CNN, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama. So what is the truth about those packages?
Search engine manipulation, censorship, and why you should switch
Ultimate comparison between DuckDuckGo and Google is here, listing all the reasons why you should switch from Google Search to DuckDuckGo.
Why Amerikans pay too much for health care
Why is Amerika’s health care system so dysfunctional and expensive? Why do hospitalized patients receive bills laden with inflated charges that come out of the blue from out-of-network providers, or that demand payment for services that weren’t delivered? Why do we pay $600 for EpiPens that contain a dollar’s worth of medicine? Why is more than $1 trillion - one out of every three dollars that passes through the system - lost to fraud, wasted on services that don’t help patients, or otherwise misspent?
Why Kavanaugh will not be impeached
With the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh now in place Democrat politicians are already promising impeachment if they take back the House and Senate in the midterm elections. Reality Check, it can't happen and I'll explain why. Ben Swann reports.
Rand Paul electrifying speech at Trump rally
Senator Rand Paul (Kent.) gives an electrifying speech at Make Amnerica Great Again rally in Richmond, Kentucky. A must see!
Truth about Kavanaugh and Trump at the United Nations!
Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on the truth about Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh, and Fascist Police States of Amerika President Donald Trump being laughed at during the United Nations General Assembly.
James Woods suspended; will Trump take on tech giants?
Luke Rudkowski and Jason Bermas of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on James woods being suspended from Twitter, as we ask the question will Trump take on the Tech Giants?