This is an amazing video presented as a “Fight of the Century” between the socialist economic model of John Maynard Keynes and the free market principles espoused by economist F.A. Hayek, in the style of a rap song written by John Papola and Russ Roberts, and performed by Billy Scafuri and Adam Lustick, with vocals by Richard J. Murphy; based on the song Sacrifice by Dirty Elegance from the album The Hero Who Fell from Her Pedestal. Phenomenal!
Fight of the Century: Keynes vs. Hayek Rap Battle Round Two
What is really happening in Hong Kong
Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange discusses the real situation in Hong Kong, where China is threatening to send in the Peoples Liberation Army to quell the protests currently taking place.
Intelligence Authorization bill criminalizes whistleblowers
This year's Intelligence Authorization bill contains language drafted by the CIA itself designed to make it a criminal act to reveal the name of undercover agents whether stationed overseas or at home, whether working or retired. The measure is designed - in the CIA's own words - to prevent the kind of transparency that was provided by WikiLeaks. It is a war on the free press. Patriot Dr. Ron Paul reports.
Rep. Thomas Massie on abolishing the Fed and living off the grid
Josh Sigurdson talks with Congressman Thomas Massie (Kent.) about how he lives freedom in his own life. He was recently called out by the media for his grilling of John Kerry on the environment. Many made the claim that he didn't know what he was talking about, however, Massie walks the walk when it comes to the environment. Massie powers his house (which he built) with a Tesla battery. He lives off grid and posts videos on a YouTube channel showing how he lives sustainably.
Alternative media panel on social media censorship
Alternative media is under siege. We have never seen this type of overt Orwellian censorship on social media in the history of its existence. Some of the top names in AltMedia discuss the future of this very important and crucial element of the Freedom Movement. Dan Dicks of Press for Truth, Josh Sigurdson of World Alternative Media, and Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change mince ideas on what the future holds for the information-control resistance at the Red Pill Expo 2019.
Make Mine Freedom
Watch this cartoon from 1948. The implications and similarities to today are staggering. By the way, doesn’t the snake oil salesman remind you of someone who used to sit in the White House?
Ron Paul's favorite part of The Declaration of Independence
With all the white noise on July 4 – tanks, flyovers, speeches - it can be easy to forget exactly what we are celebrating. In this special edition of the Liberty Report, Patriot Dr. Ron Paul explains his favorite part of the Declaration of Independence.
New York Times runs video questioning Americk’s greatness
The New York Times has run a video that questions the assumed greatness of the United States. While some of the underlying messages it contains display the newspaper’s liberal bias, there is truth in this presentation. Amerika (sic) is not a great country. It is not a free country. Until We the People accept this fact we are doomed to continue ignoring the truth. Happy Independence Day.<
When will you stop being a sheep?
Dave Hodges of The Common Sense Show rasies an excellent question. He asks whether you will stand with him against those who have stolen our country and culture. Will you stand against tyranny or just go along like the rest of the sheep?
Honest government ad… visit West Papua
The Australian government has made an ad about West Papua and it’s surprisingly honest and informative. Brilliantly done!