Watch this parody video on the illegitimate Joe Biden regime’s unlawful efforts to visit individual Amerikans and coerce them into taking the VODI-19 jab that contains a medical device designed to turn human cells into incubation chambers for pathogens. Amusing but also chilling.
When the illegitimate Biden regime knocks on your door
Private Property: the bedrock of freedom
The bedrock of every civilization is private property. Likewise, every totalitarian ideology has the goal of attacking private property. Some are even so bold as to claim that the goal is to abolish it. Of course, logic dictates that such an idea is a recipe for disaster, and there's a whole history of human suffering and death to provide lessons that disaster is the only possible outcome. Private property is inviolable, inalienable and absolute. Patriot Dr. Ron Paul reports.
Ex-policeman calling for all whistleblowers to come forward
Ex-policeman Mark Sexton has made an incredible video calling for all whistleblowers to come forward – police, NHS, and anyone who knows that the COVID-19 vaccination push is not right. Please share this video. Sexton has already had dozens of law enforcement officials inbox him. This needs to be a united effort. The more people who join this effort the more credible they will be considered.
Mahatma Gandhi - dying for freedom
Indian freedom fighter Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated on 30 January 1948. Why was Gandhi killed and what events occurred before and after Gandhi's murder? This documentary shows how India was dogged by nationalism and religious conflict on its path to independence - and how these factors mark the country to this day.
Celebrate FREEDOM with the Declaration of Independence
Aaron Lewis - Am I the Only One (Lyric Video / Explicit)
Official lyric video for Aaron Lewis' new song "Am I The Only One", available now:
Trump supporter warns of civil war unless Trump is reinstated
A Donald Trump supporter warns that civil war is coming unless Trump is reinstated, as the Arizona election audit ends. Democrats are definitely hyping up the fear of conflict as the illegitimate Biden regime brings the war on terror home. While the GOP and many Republicans seem totally disinterested in engaging in any kind of battle for culture, Trump supporters are a very different breed. Unwilling to back down, Trump supporters are expressing fears that conflict is coming and we may be headed for civil war. Tim Pool reports.
Russia tensions and the latest Fauici lies
Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange reports on developing tensions between Russia and the Fascist United Kingdom; the Icelandic citizen who has admitted to lying in testimony that was used to help convict WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange; and the latest lies being disseminated by fascist Dr. Anthony Fauci.
Government threatens engineer with a crime for being unlicensed
Wayne Nutt is an engineer. He graduated with a degree in engineering and worked most of his career in North Carolina without ever needing a license to actually work as an engineer. But now, the North Carolina Board of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors is telling Wayne that speaking publicly about engineering without a state license could lead to criminal charges. Nutt teamed up with the Institute for Justice to file a federal lawsuit to protect his First Amendment right to speak from his expertise and experience.
Whistleblower reveals why you should never trust the government
Russell Brand interviews Carne Ross - former diplomat turned whistleblower - as he reveals how the State lies and manipulates in order to justify its existence.