
What Are You Really Willing to Do for Your Freedom?

Submitted by Freedomman on Fri, 10/14/2022 - 11:56

by Brent Johnson

I am truly sick of people who say that the path of sovereignty "doesn't work".

Ever since I started teaching people the truth about the treacheries of the United States
government against the American people, I have asked one question.  I ask this question during every seminar I conduct, on every one of my radio broadcasts, and regularly in my articles and commentaries.

The question is: What are you willing to do to protect and preserve your freedom?

Common Law vs. Statutory Law

Submitted by Freedomman on Thu, 05/05/2022 - 14:29

by Brent Johnson

Common Law

All laws of the united States of America were founded on common law. American common law is founded on British common law. British common law dates back to the Thirteenth Century and the Magna Charta, though in truth it dates back much farther. Common law dates back to the beginning of history, or at least the interaction of people with each other. Common law predates all governments and all established systems of law.

Leashing the Human Character

Submitted by Freedomman on Thu, 09/30/2021 - 00:18

by Brent Johnson

Recently, I was taking a walk with a friend of mine, who upon noticing various pieces of trash - empty beer cans, food wrappers, etc. - commented that “humans are pigs”.

This got me to thinking. It occurred to me that humans are perhaps more like dogs than pigs, and values are their leashes.

Without a system of values, humans feel free to do anything they feel like doing. This leads to dumping garbage on otherwise beautiful land without consideration or regard for either the landowners or those people simply seeking to enjoy the beauty of nature.

Conversely, someone who has been raised with a clear system of values will tend not to just dump his or her garbage - physical or emotional - in someone else’s space.

The Chemistry of Freedom

Submitted by Freedomman on Thu, 04/08/2021 - 00:20

by Brent Johnson

For thousands of years people from all over the world have cried out for freedom. The call for independence has rung true throughout human history. Dating back to the Exodus from Egypt, through the history of the Holy Roman Empire, the Dark Ages, the Renaissance, the French and American Revolutions, World War I, World War II, the Age of Apartheid… the cries for freedom and independence have always been heard by those who would listen.

Creating Paradise on Earth

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 11/18/2020 - 18:50

by Brent Johnson

In Plato’s Republic, the author-philosopher put forth the proposition that the character demonstrated by the rulers of a society would trickle down and become inherent in the general population of a society. In other words, a social system based on good principles and values would generate serenity and happiness among the people.

Unfortunately for us all, the entire world has lost sight of this simple concept: that your society is defined by those things you value most.

The Power of Inertia

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 07/15/2020 - 20:44

by Brent Johnson

One of the most powerful sociopolitical forces exerting influence over our world today is inertia.

The Merriam Webster definition of the word “inertia” is, “indisposition to motion, exertion, or change.”

In plain language, inertia is the principle of matter in which an object continues doing the same thing it has been doing - if the object was moving, inertia would cause it to continue moving in the same direction and at the same speed; if the object was not in motion, then it would remain in its idle state.

What is Homeland Security?

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 03/04/2020 - 19:50

by Brent Johnson

It has become accepted as a necessary function of our government: Homeland Security. The new massive Department of Homeland Security, created by an Act of Congress, has already attracted countless lobbyists, all vying for billions of dollars in DHS appropriations. (By the way, did you know that Homeland Security was supposed to cost nothing; it was supposed to simply be a reorganization of already existing budgets? So much for government promises).

But what exactly does it mean to secure our homeland?

The Bureaucratic Profile

Submitted by Freedomman on Thu, 10/31/2019 - 05:46

by Brent Johnson

Have you ever experienced the anguish of dealing with a government official who just refuses to understand your specific situation, or a banker who will not help you with a particular problem you are having, or an educator who cannot see your point of view regarding the raising of your children? The frustrations that you have experienced are due to the fact that you are dealing with bureaucrats.

The Rise and Fall of the American Dream

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 06/05/2019 - 23:43

by Brent Johnson

It hurts. It really hurts me deep inside, to entitle this article. It means that I have to admit, totally and with some finality, that the American Dream is dead.

Now don’t go all sappy or something because I’ve gone and said it. It’s not the end of the world. It’s just the truth.

Also, my admission does not mean that I am giving up the fight. I will never do that, nor will I ever give up hope. To the contrary, a free man or woman has a duty to fight to remain free; an unfree man or woman has a duty to fight to become free. Either way, when it comes to truth and freedom, I’ve plenty of fight left in me.

A Thinking Person's Desert

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 01/02/2019 - 20:11

By Brent Johnson

I once had occasion to view a segment of NBC’s The Tonight Show in which host Jay Leno walks around New York City asking ordinary people a series of simple and basic questions. I was stunned by the general lack of education of the respondents.

From people not knowing who was the first President of the United States or how many stars are on the American flag, to a black woman who had never seen a picture of former Secretary of State Colin Powell and who when asked if she knew the last name of this man whose first name is “Colin”, answered, “Cleanser”; it was astonishing to see and hear the level of ignorance to which the average American has sunk.

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