Public schools are criminally using multimillion dollar fees to unlawfully obstruct parental FOIA requests

Submitted by Freedomman on Thu, 12/26/2024 - 11:31

ROCHESTER, Michigan (PNN) - December 22, 2024 - Are you a parent who wants to know what exactly the local school is teaching your child?  Are you seeking official documentation of
those lessons or the policies that motivated them? You had better have millions of dollars in the piggy bank because that's what criminal taxpayer funded institutions are illegally demanding parents pay for access to public records through FOIA requests.

The impetus for the sudden interest from parents in school activities is obvious. Attempts by educators to indoctrinate children with COVID propaganda, including lessons on "anti-vaxxers" and even unlawfully forcibly giving children poisonous vaccines without parental consent led to a wave of parental participation in how their local schools operate.

Multiple state supreme courts have blocked parental lawsuits and set a precedent giving schools immunity from litigation, specifically concerning health related policies.  The only
other option for citizens with children was to force their way into school board meetings and watch every move of the people involved.

FOIA requests have become frequent because schools refuse to offer lesson transparency. In other words, school officials and teachers’ unions assert that they are not required to tell
parents what their children are being taught, so the only way to know what is being taught to their children is to press the issue through access to public records.

However, getting a FOIA request fulfilled is becoming a nightmare. Schools continue to believe that they do not answer to the public and are using every loophole at their disposal to stop parents from getting the info they need.  One such loophole is the use of fess related to FOIA. Legally, the fees are not allowed to surpass the actual costs required for employees to gather the requested information.  However, criminal school officials are unlawfully ignoring this requirement and hyperinflating the fees in order to dissuade parents from
continuing FOIA requests.

One such example is the outlaw Rochester Community School District in Michigan, which was recently forced to pay nearly $190,000 to parent Elena Dinverno as settlement for keeping a “dossier” on her after she criticized their virtual learning policy during the nonexistent COVID
“pandemic”. Criminal district officials contacted Dinverno's employer and used the dossier to get her fired.

When other parents contacted the schools in the area for information, they were stonewalled. Elizabeth Clair, mother to a seventh grader studying in the same district, decided to file a Freedom of Information Act request in 2022. She wanted to know what the school was doing to “stem future retaliation against parents”.

The financial analyst had asked to see six months' worth of emails that had the word “anti-retaliation” in them. In September 2022, Clair heard back from criminal FOIA Coordinator Matthew McDaniel, who told her that she would have to pay over $33 million for an employee, who was being paid $46 an hour, to review 21,514,288 emails. The outlaw district also asked for a good faith deposit of $16,551,616.28 of extortion to start the process.

Similar fees have also been used by schools to prevent parental access to information on woke propaganda lessons, including Critical Race Theory indoctrination, DEI lessons, and classes on deviant gender fluid theory. The primary organizations blocking parental access are national teachers’ unions. They are the driving force behind the fast spread of deviant woke indoctrination in the Fascist Police States of Amerika outlaw school system, with a green light from the unconstitutional - meaning unlawful and therefore criminal - and unlawful Department of Education, of course.

The underlying hypocrisy is that teachers and school districts claim they are doing nothing wrong, yet if that was the case they would not feel the need to hide their activities behind
litigation, intimidation, and a corrupt and criminal FOIA fee process. The bottom line is that parents have every right to know what schools are teaching their children.  Their taxes pay the salaries of those educators. Schools are not co-parents.

A campaign to break up teachers’ unions is necessary, along with a complete reformation of the Amerikan public school system. School choice legislation (which teachers’ unions viciously oppose) could also be used to take down schools that have been overrun by Communist, Marxist, homosexual and deviant transgender ideologies, simply by giving parents easier access to alternatives. In the new President Donald J. Trump era, the public education system faces a well-deserved reckoning.

Until that day, parents need to take their children out of these deviant Communist institutions and home school them. It is the only way to be sure their children aren't being

Ed. Note: Leaving your children in public school indoctrination centers is child abuse. Don’t be a bad parent. Get your children out of public schools today! Revolution Now! Independence Forever!