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Is a serial number on your gun mandatory?

Do you have to have a serial number on your gun? What is the origin of firearm serialization, and when is it mandatory? The Armed Attorneys Richard Haye and Emily Taylor examine laws and regulations that led to the implementation of mandatory serial numbers, such as the Gun Control Act of 1968, the serialization of "ghost guns" and how it impacts gun owners and manufacturers today.

About Revolutions

The Merriam Webster's 2000 Collegiate Dictionary defines revolution as:

a: a sudden, radical, or complete change; b: a fundamental change in political organization; especially: the overthrow or renunciation of one government or ruler and the substitution of another by the governed; c: activity or movement designed to effect fundamental changes in the socioeconomic situation; d: a fundamental change in the way of thinking about or visualizing something: a change of paradigm <the Copernican revolution>; e: a changeover in use or preference especially in technology <the computer revolution> <the foreign car revolution>.

Revolution Now! examines, explores, discusses, plans, educates, and seeks to establish the frameworks and social foundations that lie at the heart of every revolution.

Without revolutions our world would not be what it is today. There is both Light and Dark, Good and Evil, Right and Wrong in this world, and the same may be said of each and every revolution that has ever taken place. There are no simple or universally correct solutions to modern problems facing the American people and the peoples of the world.

The Stupidification of We the People

Submitted by Freedomman on Fri, 02/07/2025 - 09:41

by Brent Johnson

"Above all I hope that the [philosophical and political] education of the common people will be attended to so they won't forget the basic principles of freedom." - Thomas

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free it expects what never was and never will be... The people cannot be safe without information. Where the press is free, and every man is
able to read, all is safe." - Thomas Jefferson

Education is a key necessity in a society that seeks to have a free population that is capable
of defending and protecting its freedoms from those who seek to violate the liberties on which it was built; most especially, from the governments charged with administering and maintaining the freedoms of that society.

DHS official admits department will defy Trump appointed Secretary Kristi Noem’s marching orders

Submitted by Freedomman on Fri, 02/07/2025 - 09:40

WASHINGTON (PNN) - February 3, 2025 - Brandon Wright, a GS-14 Platform Services Manager for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), admitted that career officials within the department
actively resist directives from political appointees, including newly appointed DHS Secretary Kristi Noem.

“The truth is, we don't let them [secretaries] get in our way,” Wright disclosed to an undercover O'Keefe Media journalist. He went on to explain the deeply entrenched bureaucratic resistance within DHS, likening it to a multi-layered septic system that filters out directives it does not align with. “There’s a lot of layers, like [in] government. By the time the actual marching orders get to me and below, we can filter it in a way that steadies the ship.”

President Trump signs an executive order to end racial and gender indoctrination in schools

Submitted by Freedomman on Fri, 02/07/2025 - 09:37

WASHINGTON (PNN) - January 30, 2025 – President Donald J. Trump issued an executive order Wednesday demanding an end to racial indoctrination in K-12 schools he accused of spreading anti-Amerikan ideology.

Commentary: Democrats who stole an election and imprisoned protesters must be held accountable

Submitted by Freedomman on Fri, 02/07/2025 - 09:34

by Paul Craig Roberts

January 29, 2025 - Update: According to the latest information I have, the J6 political prisoners in the D.C. prison have been released. Kentucky is still holding one. Everyone else has been released except for about 6 who are being held on unrelated state charges.

Billionaire Nicole Shanahan will fund primary challengers for 13 senators who don’t support RFK Jr.!

Submitted by Freedomman on Fri, 02/07/2025 - 09:27

WASHINGTON (PNN) - January 29, 2025 - As President Donald J. Trump works nonstop to keep his promises and clean up the chaotic mess that fascist pretender Joe Biden left behind, another major battle is unfolding… confirmation hearings.

Argentine President Xavier Milei repeatedly bashes WEF attendees to their faces

Submitted by Freedomman on Fri, 02/07/2025 - 09:21

DAVOS, Switzerland (PNN) - January 28, 2025 - Argentinian President Javier Milei repeatedly criticized the World Economic Forum (WEF) during remarks at the WEF’s annual Davos summit last week.

In his speech, Milei accused Davos’ attendees of destroying the West with their globalist woke agenda.

Speaker confirms House will review Biden “crime family” pardons

Submitted by Freedomman on Fri, 01/31/2025 - 14:39

WASHINGTON (PNN) - January 23, 2025 - Congress over the last year or so has revealed some startling information about the fascist outlaw Joe Biden family, including that members cashed in on tens of millions of dollars from a family influence-peddling business that has been run during Joe Biden’s vice presidency and then pretend presidency.

Judge rules FISA backdoor surveillance is unconstitutional

Submitted by Freedomman on Fri, 01/31/2025 - 14:35

NEW YORK (PNN) - January 23, 2025 - A federal district court has held that backdoor searches of databases full of Amerikans’ private communications collected under Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act are unconstitutional. The landmark ruling comes in a criminal case, United States v. Hasbajrami, after more than a decade of litigation, and over four years since the Second Circuit Court of Appeals found that backdoor searches constitute “separate Fourth Amendment events” and directed the district court to determine a warrant was required. Now, that has been officially decreed.

Pardoned January 6 prisoners stranded penniless and with no ID

Submitted by Freedomman on Fri, 01/31/2025 - 14:32

Bureau of Prisons fascist outlaws illegally transferred them to the middle of nowhere.

WASHINGTON (PNN) - January 21, 2025 - J6 prisoners are in the news, after President Donald J. Trump’s Day One mass pardon. However, many are currently stranded in rural areas of the country, surrounded by farmland, with no cell phone, no money and no family members to take them home.

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