Reports already document voting machines flipping votes!

Submitted by Freedomman on Fri, 10/25/2024 - 13:24

ATLANTA, Georgia (PNN) - October 22, 2024 - Early voting for the 2024 presidential race already has started in multiple states, and that means reports of voting machines flipping votes from Donald Trump to Kamala Harris already have begun arriving.

It's a complaint that has surfaced in multiple elections already, voters choosing on screen the Republican candidate, but the machine recording it as a vote for the Democrat, a scenario
that often is difficult to document because of the inability to take screen shots of a voting machine and more.

Voting-machine makers continue to stand by the functioning of their devices.

But multiple reports already have been documented in this election.

Reports from Whitfield County, Georgia, that Dominion machines are flipping votes.

This is exactly the kind of fraud we saw in 2020, and it cannot be tolerated.

The Gateway Pundit assembled the information.

At the head of the list reporting such fraud was Bo French, the Tarrant County, Texas, chairman of the Republican Party.

The report noted he "was notified that voters who selected Trump on the screen of the voting machine were seeing Kamala Harris on the final printed ballot."

"Today at 3:29pm I was notified of reports that voters were experiencing problems. Reports were that people who selected Trump on the screen were seeing Harris on the printed ballot. This was reported to the Election Judge and in at least one case the voter was issued a new ballot to vote again. I immediately reported this to the TC Elections Administrator," French confirmed.

He warned voters to check their ballots.

"I voted for one president, checked it on the video screen, when I got the paper ballot, it had the other candidate's name on it," one Tarrant County voter said in the report.

Similar election fraud was being suggested elsewhere in Georgia.

"According to GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (Geo.), a constituent in Whitfield County noticed that his printed ballots did not reflect the selection he made on the voting machine,
particularly changing his vote away from candidates he had chosen," the report confirmed.

She also warned, "Georgia voters make sure you double check your printed ballot to make sure the candidates you voted for are listed before you turn in your ballot!"