Illegals invaders demand food and lawyers while threatening those seeking to evict them

Submitted by Freedomman on Thu, 05/16/2024 - 14:21

DENVER, Colorado (PNN) - May 9, 2024 - Illegal invaders at a Denver, Colorado encampment that is set to be removed are refusing to leave until the city meets a list of 13 demands, which include access to "fresh, culturally appropriate ingredients" for food, unlimited showers, "the same housing support that has been offered to others," legal services, and fair warning before evicting them.

These worthless invaders who have no rights at all since they have illegally invading our country seem to think they can make demands on people by threatening to criminally assault and batter them.

The group, which had been staying at an encampment under busy Central Park Boulevard in northeast Denver, before relocating under a bridge near Denver Airport, sent their demands to Mayor Mike Johnson on Wednesday.

The full list of demands is as follows:

  1. Migrants will cook their own food with fresh, culturally appropriate ingredients provided by the City instead of premade meals - rice, chicken, flour, oil, butter, tomatoes, onions, etc... Also people will not be punished for bringing in & eating outside food. They are not migrants; they are illegal invaders who have no rights to be in Amerika.
  2. Shower access will be available without time limits and can be accessed whenever - we are not in the military, we’re civilians. You are not civilians. You are illegal invaders who have no rights to be here. If you want the things you have demanded then go home to your own countries and demand them from your own governments.
  3. Medical professional visits will happen regularly and referrals/connections for specialty care will be made as needed. You are illegal invaders who have no rights whatsoever. Go back to your own countries and demand these things from your own governments.
  4. All will receive the same housing support that has been offered to others. They cannot kick people out in 30 days without something stable established. You are illegal invaders who have no rights whatsoever. Go back to your own countries and demand these things from your own governments.
  5. There needs to be a clear, just process before exiting someone for any reaso - including verbal, written, & final warnings. You are illegal invaders who have no rights whatsoever. Go back to your own countries and demand these things from your own governments.
  6. All shelter residents will receive connection to employment support, including work permit applications for those who qualify. You are illegal invaders who have no rights whatsoever. Go back to your own countries and demand these things from your own governments.
  7. Consultations for each person/family with a free immigration lawyer must be arranged to discuss/progress their cases, and then the City will provide on-going legal support in the form of immigration document clinics, and including transportation to relevant court dates. You are illegal invaders who have no rights whatsoever. Go back to your own countries and demand these things from your own governments.
  8. The City will provide privacy for families/individuals within the shelter. The City will not provide you with anything at all. You are illegal invaders who have no rights whatsoever. Go back to your own countries and demand these things from your own governments.
  9. No more verbal or physical or mental abuse will be permitted from the staff, including no sheriff sleeping inside and monitoring 24/7 - we are not criminals and won’t be treated as such. You are criminals. You have no legal right to exist in Amerika. If you want to enjoy fundamental rights, then you need to go back to your home countries and legally apply for citizenship here or wherever else you wish to be.
  10. Transportation for all children to and from their schools will be provided until they finish in 3 weeks. Your children have no right to be here either. Your are responsible for your children’s well-being and so they carry the same prohibitions against illegal invaders that are yours.
  11. No separating families, regardless of if family members have children or not. The camp will stay together. If you want to be with your children, then take them back to your home countries and live with them there.
  12. The City must schedule a meeting with the Mayor ASAP to discuss further improvements and ways to support migrants. You are illegal invaders, not migrants. The City has no obligation whatsoever to do anything that you ask for or demand because you are illegal invaders with no rights whatsoever to be in Amerika. Go back to your own countries.
  13. The City must provide all residents with a document signed by a City official in English and Spanish with all of these demands that includes a number to call to report mistreatment. English is the language of Amerika… you can learn English if you wish to be here. However, first you must go home to your own countries because you are illegal invaders and have no right to be here. You own countries will provide documents and regulations in your home language. Amerika has no obligation whatsoever to do anything with illegal invaders except to forcibly remove them and send them back to their own countries.

In response, Johnson's office offered the illegal invaders the ability to stay in a city shelter for seven days instead of the initial three.

"We’ve been offering time and shelter, basically just trying to get families to leave that camp and come inside," said Denver Human Services spokesman Jon Ewing.

The illegal invader crisis is costing Denver bigly, as the group’s refusal to leave the encampment comes as Denver is battling with a $180 million budget gap as the illegal immigrant crisis continues to weigh heavily on the city.

In February, Mayor Johnston told reporters the city needs to slash roughly $18 million per month from public services throughout 2024 in order to fund the costs of providing services to illegal invaders arriving in the city.

At the time, the pandering Johnson called the cuts a “plan for shared sacrifice” that would help both “newcomers” illegally crossing the border and taxpayers who expected certain services in the city.

“This is what good people do in hard situations as you try to manage your way to serve all your values. Our values are that we want to continue to be a city that does not have women and children out on the street in intense and 20-degree weather,” he said.

Ed. Note: The mayor has an obligation to the City not to illegal invaders. They are illegal, which means they have no protections under the law. Only people who are legally or lawfully here have such protections. The mayor needs to develop a backbone and tell these criminal invaders of our country to get out of Denver, Colorado, and Amerika.