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Election expert breaks into Dominion Voting Machine and changes vote totals during court testimony | Revolution Now!

Election expert breaks into Dominion Voting Machine and changes vote totals during court testimony

Submitted by Freedomman on Fri, 01/26/2024 - 08:57

ATLANTA, Georgia (PNN) - January 21, 2024 - On Friday, in a Federal Court In Atlanta, Georgia, University of Michigan Professor of Computer Science and Engineering J. Alex Halderman testified in front of Judge Amy Totenberg’s courtroom about the Dominion Voting Machines used in the Georgia elections since 2020.

Halderman demonstrated in court how Dominion machines were hacked and altered their tabulations.

During his testimony, Halderman was able to hack a Dominion Voting Machine and change the tabulations in front of Fascist Police States of Amerika District Judge Amy Totenberg and the entire courtroom.

Halderman used only a pen to change vote totals.

His testimony was part of a long-running lawsuit by election integrity activists set as a bench trial.

The plaintiffs seek to remove what they say are insecure voting machines in Georgia in favor of secure paper ballots.

We spoke with Georgia reporter Amber Connor, who has been sitting in the courtroom during the trial for the past two weeks.

Connor confirmed what was reported earlier about Halderman’s demonstration live on how to hack a Dominion Voting Machine and change the totals using only a pen. In fact, Halderman borrowed a pen from the defense attorneys for his demonstration.

Mainstream legacy news media has decided to ignore this historic case taking place in Georgia for some reason. Why is that?

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