Liberty activists organizing massive jury nullification campaign

Submitted by Freedomman on Thu, 01/01/2015 - 18:40

NEW YORK (PNN) - December 26, 2014 - A group of liberty activists is organizing an effort to educate the New York public about jury nullification.

“Jurors have the power to judge the law itself, not just the facts of the case. If the law is unjust or misapplied, a juror can vote not guilty.”

That’s James Babb of Philadelphia. He became excited about jury nullification outreach after being exposed to the work of Professor Julian Heicklen.

He traveled the country to inform the public about their rights if selected for jury duty. The reaction from grumpy judges and prosecutors confirms my conclusion that this work is vital. An informed juror with a conscience is the only thing they can’t control.”

Babb is continuing the work of Professor Heicklen, this time focusing on New York City. He’s launched an IndieGogo campaign seeking monies to fund advertisements to be placed near downtown courthouses.

“We have started with six phone booth kiosk ads surrounding the (federal) courthouse at 500 Pearl Street. The primary message is ‘Jury Duty? Know your Rights’ and ‘Google Jury Nullification’.”

James and his fellow organizers are calling on those who want to end the prosecution of victimless crimes to join them in their efforts.

“We have an opportunity to actually block unjust imprisonment and fight back against mass incarceration. Continued support will multiply this opportunity.”

To learn more or donate today, search NYC Jury Rights at